County Administrator
Cynthia Stanciel
County Administrator
P.O. Box 250
Greenwood MS 38935-0250
Phone: (662) 451-7315
The County Administrator is appointed by the County Board of Supervisor; which is the Governing Body for Leflore County. The County Administrator’s responsibility is to oversee the daily operations of the county government.
As the highest appointed official in the County, the County Administrator is responsible for all of the day-to-day administrative operations of the county, in addition to other duties set forth by the Board of Supervisor.
The County Administrator oversees various departments, such as Comptroller, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Purchasing, Human Resource, Solid Waste, Unit System, Veterans Services, Waste Tire Disposal Program, Emergency Management, Ordinance officer.
The County Administrator’s duties include creating and reviewing budgets for the various departments; discussing local issues with department heads, vendors, and the county residents; attending public hearings, board of supervisor meetings, and being present during emergency meetings called by the board of supervisors or emergency management.
The County Administrator conducts department head meetings and budget meetings. She is also responsible for spearheading outreach to secure more investment, such as new construction or job creation, from private industry and the state government.
The County Administrator works as the liaison officer with various divisions of county government and agencies to see that county-owned property is properly managed, maintained, repaired, improved, kept, or stored. Some include but are not limited to, the Board Attorney, the Chancery Clerk, the Circuit Clerk, the Constables, the Coroner, the Election Commission, the Sheriff, the Tax Assessor, and the Tax Collector to ensure the affairs of the county are being ethically and legally carried out.
In accordance with Mississippi Code Title 19. Counties and County Officers § 19-4-1
(Current as of January 01, 2023) The Board of Supervisors of each county shall appoint some person other than a member of such board to serve as County Administrator. The County Administrator, under the policies determined by the board of supervisors and subject to the board's general supervision and control, shall administer all county affairs falling under the control of the board and carry out the general policies of the board in conformity with the estimates of expenditures fixed in the annual budget as finally adopted by the board or as thereafter revised by appropriate action of the board.
Some of the basic roles, responsibilities, and powers of a County Administrator include but are not limited to the following:
- Supervision of day-to-day operations of all county departments and staff, directly and through department heads;
- Oversight of hiring, firing, disciplining, and suspensions of all county employees;
- Preparation, monitoring, and execution of the county budget, which includes submitting each year to the Board of Supervisors a proposed budget package with options and recommendations for its consideration and possible approval;
- Chief technical advisor to the Board of Supervisors of on overall governmental operations;
- Public relations, such as meeting with citizens, citizen groups, businesses, and other stakeholders;
- Operating the county with a professional understanding of how all county functions operate together to their best effect;
- Attends board meetings, and provide insight but does not have any voting rights;
- Assist the Board in the preparation of the budget and preparation of the tax levy;
- Have authority to make inquiry of any person or group using county funds appropriated by the Board of Supervisors as to the use or proper use of such funds and shall report to the Board of Supervisors as to such findings;
- See that all orders, resolutions and regulations of the Board of Supervisors are faithfully executed;
- Keep the Board of Supervisors informed as to federal and state laws and regulations which affect the Board of Supervisors and the county;
- Advise the board as to the possible availability of federal or state grants and assistance for which the county may be eligible;
- Assist in the preparation and submission of plans and project specifications necessary to acquire such assistance, and shall be the administrating officer of county grants from state and federal sources.
- In addition, the County Administrator operates under a Board of Supervisors Government Form. This form of government was created in part to remove county government from the power of the political parties, and place management of the county into the hands of an outside expert, with the hope that the County Administrator would remain neutral to county politics.