Unit System
The Leflore County Unit System also known as the Road and Bridge Department is located at 310 James Hargrove in Industrial Park. Jerry Smith has been the Road Manager since 2012, but he has been employed with Leflore County since 1981. Our department is committed to serving the citizens of Leflore County by ensuring that the roads and bridges are safe for travel.
The Unit System maintains the roads and bridges throughout Leflore County including state aid roads. We are responsible for making routine maintenance of bridges and replace county signs. We spray, weed-eat and cut grass throughout the county. We haul gravel and other materials to county roads and grade the roads. In order to maintain proper drainage the county installs and replaces culverts and we also clear drains and remove beaver dams. We also perform excavation including removing lily pads from our area lakes. We also mill, mat & seal, and pave county roads.
Roger Crigler is the Assistant Road Manager.

Tanya Brownlee, Secretary for Jerry Smith, Road Manager
James Brown, Area 3 Road Foreman
Willian Sullivan, Shop Foreman
Roger Crigler, Asst. Road Manager
James R. Brown, Area 1 Road Foreman
Jerry Smith, Road Manager
Jerry Edwards, Area 4 Road Foreman
Joe Willie Barnes, Area 2 Interim Road Foreman
Randy Moore, Area 5 Road Foreman
Currently, there are 40 members of the Unit System: 36 full-time and 4 part-time workers.
Leflore County Unit System
Road and Bridge Department
Physical Address: 310 James Hargrove
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 250
Greenwood, MS 38935
Phone: (662) 455-5400
Fax: (662) 453-6326