Chancery Clerk & Staff

Debra Tate Hibbler 

Chancery Clerk


P.O. Box 250
Greenwood MS 38935-0250

Phone: (662) 453-6203
Fax: (662) 455-7965


The Chancery Clerk performs various duties and responsibilities.  The duties include, but are not limited to, the following:


Clerk of the Chancery Court:

  • Receive and assign cases to one of our Chancery Judges
  • Maintain the court docket and fill all records of the court
  • Keep and preserve court minute books
  • Issue process for service upon defendants
  • Receive and account for various filing fees
  • Process all phases of civil commitments, both mental health and drug and alcohol
  • Transmit statistical data to the Administrative Offices of the Courts (AOC)
  • Transmit divorce and other statistics to the Mississippi Department of Vital Records
  • Process court records for appeals to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals
  • Serve as court appointed guardian, administrator, executor, conservator, or commissioner when called upon

Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

  • Attend all meetings of the Board of Supervisors
  • Prepare the minutes of each Board meeting
  • Assist the Board in equalizing the assessment rolls of real and personal property
  • Compile numerous reports on the Board's behalf and submit them to other state governmental entities, as required by statute
  • Receive and process all applications made for homestead exemption and the results to the State Tax Commission

Custodian of Public Land Records

  • Receive and record all documents (Warranty Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Powers of Attorney, etc.) filed in Public Land Records
  • Create and maintain various indexes for documents filed in public land records (i.e., subdivision index, sectional index, direct/reverse index, etc. )
  • Process homestead exemption applications and assessment rolls through the State Tax Commission
  • Account for all recording fees

County Treasurer and County Auditor:

  • Receive, disburse, and account for all county funds of whatever nature
  • Prepare monthly claims docket, pay all county bills and sign all county checks
  • Prepare a monthly report of receipts and disbursements to the Board of Supervisors
  • Receive and account for monthly and annual settlements from various county officials, including the Tax Collector, Sheriff & Justice Court Clerk
  • Maintain various ledgers and account on behalf of other county offices and must examine the books of all offices

Collector of Delinquent Real Estate Taxes:

  • Receive and maintain the list of lands sold for taxes on the last Monday of every August
  • Receive, process, and account for the redemption of all lands sold for taxes and make a record of the same
  • Research owners and lien holders of lands sold for taxes and issue various forms of notice prior to the foreclosure of the right of redemption
  • Issue tax deeds (clerk's conveyance) on lands sold for taxes upon maturity.

Other Duties:

  • Record and preserve Military Discharges
  • Serve as county-wide notary
  • Receive and process applications for passports through the U.S. Department of State.